February 14, 2024

On S-O-U-P-E-R Bowl Sunday, youth from Lutheran Church of the Nativity shared their interpretation of "The Big Game!" The dynamic youth group asked their congregation to bring soup and other food items along with monetary donations to support the food pantry. Over twenty boxes and bags of food were delivered for distribution on Saturday. We are so appreciative of their time and effort to help reduce food insecurity in our community.

Our volunteers arrived early on Friday and Saturday mornings to prepare for the 135 families who shopped for food on Saturday. Eleven new families registered with us representing a grand total of 528 individuals for the morning. Other good news from the pantry is Chef Martha participating in the videoing of three cooking segments for the WLOS Carolina Kitchen. Look for her chocolate truffles on Wednesday at noon.

 On behalf of the Executive Committee, thank you to our volunteers and our area churches, civic groups, local merchants, and families for all you do to feed our community helping to reduce food insecurity.  We thank you and appreciate your food and monetary donations.

Calvary Communications