January 31, 2024

The countdown is on 29, 28, 27......By early March, The Lord's Acre of Fletcher, our garden, will be in full swing again. Just this past week Doug picked the last of 49 pounds of collards which will be offered to our neighbors on Saturday. The beets continue to mature and will be harvested soon. We are presently working on a more flexible garden schedule where more volunteers might be able to participate in weekly maintenance duties. Stay tuned!

 Volunteers were bustling around on Saturday welcoming 155 neighbors representing 605 individuals. We welcomed fourteen new families which averaged almost four members per household. A "shout out" to our Friday volunteers who worked to ensure the shelves were filled for Saturday distribution.

 On behalf of the Executive Committee, thank you to our volunteers and our area churches, civic groups, local merchants, and families for all you do to feed our community helping to reduce food insecurity.  We thank you and appreciate your food and monetary donations.

Calvary Communications